Friday, July 27, 2007

Parents' update from Denmark

Hello everyone! Sorry, it's been so long since we've had an update. Access to the internet is not as easy in Denmark. In fact, I waited 45 minutes to get to this machine.

All is well with everyone. The games have been tough for the girls. I've lost count of the games, but I think that 10-11 high intensity games over the past 7-13 days is wearing their bodies down. They continue to give it all that they have at the time and although, sometimes, it may not be pretty, they are winning!!!! It's great to see them working together. One may be down a game or two and the others pick up for them. They encourage eachother after the games. They have become very close and I think, you'll see a tremendous level of teamwork when you watch the games this fall.

It is right before the semi-final game. And I'm sure it will be another nail biter for the parents. We continue to cheer them on in a truly American way, so we're looking forward to a championship game.

The girls got a chance to stay at the hotel one night this week and I think it was very good for them. They got a chance to eat a fantastic barbecue meal and a chance to unwind in their own ways. The beach is beautiful. They were most impressed with the many World War II bunkers around the hotel. They explored many of them and took several pictures that we'll be able to share when we get home.

The tour of Skagen and standing in 2 seas at once was also a highlight. Although the water was very cold, even the parents kicked off their shoes to also experience the once in a lifetime chance.

We continue to find small shopping excursions and the girls are trying a variety of new foods and shopping methods ( a little bargaining doesn't hurt anyone.) I have to tell you that their shopping intentions center around finding presents for everyone back home, so you are definately in the forefront of their minds. They are very good about translating the different currencies we're using into American money, so they are still looking for those great deals for everyone.

The weather has not been cooperating this week. It is the coldest July that I have ever experienced. It's good soccer weather for the girls, nice and cool. We fight the rain now and then. It's good that the girls play regularly in the wind, because the past couple of days have been windy. The fields seem to shelter most of the wind, so it's not as bad as in the middle of the cornfields back home.

Again, no worries from here. We're very pleased to see the hard work over the past years really pay off. This trip will definately be the highlight of the girls' soccer experiences for their entire lives. Everyone thanks you for sending your girls' and giving us all a lifetime experience!

Take care!


1 comment:

Mom/Nancy/Mrs. H said...

Thank you so much for all your efforts to keep us abreast of all the action. This past week in Denmark has been a bit frustrating at times however, I will say I was able to accomplish alot more at work knowing the updates were slow to reach us.
During your week in Sweden all I kept thinking was "why didn't I go"? My focus was all over the board and work was at the bottom of the priority list.
Thank You All so much for keeping us informed. I look forward to your return...
All My Best, Nancy
P.S. Give Kay a big hug from me.